
Monday, March 21, 2011

Robots History

Robot creation of modern humans then? If you answered yes, then it's wrong. The robot was created by ancient man. Once the robot has not been called because the term was only used in the 1920s. Robots are also created by various people and cultures, ranging from Pre-History to the Modern era. Robot Pre History is much different than modern. Once the robot is moved using the water, while now by the machine. Here is the history of robots.

Robot Pre History
  The idea of ​​making the puppets or robots is triggered automatically at the time of Ancient Greece. In the myth there Tunanui in describing the god who has the servants who worked mechanically. The Persians and the Chinese also think the idea of ​​making the puppets that can move itself.
The work of the world's first robot in clepsydra admit is, namely a water clock. This tool is found in Greek physician around the year 250 BC. Water clock called a robot due to meet one condition, that can move automatically.
Modern Robots
  Historical development of modern robots can not escape from the figure of Nikola Tesla.
He is a mechanical engineer, inventor, and physicist who later became bloody Serbian Americans. He played a major role to find ways of working electro-magnetic at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century. He is introducing wireless communications in 1893. Electromagnetic findings are very helpful development of remote control, radar, and computer science.
    1930's Westinghouse company make human-like robot named Electro. While the first modern robot named Elsei Bristol also called Tortoise. But robots are really modern that can digitally operated, programmable, and can touch is named Unimate.
Mechanical Tortoise
25 March 2950.
And this is the History of Travel Robot.
In 1206: the first human-shaped robot in the form of automatic musicians. shaped like a boat mechanic, found Al-Jazari
Year 1495: Design's first robot that successfully recorded. The form of artificial mechanical sword Leonardo da Vinci
In 1738: a mechanical robot that can be shaped duck-epakkan flapping its wings, created by Jacques de Vaucanson.
1898: The first machine is operated from a distance, dipamerin in Madison Square. His invention is Nikola Tesla
1920: The word robot was first discovered by Karel Capek
Year 1930: the early human-like robots on display at World's Fairs in 1930 named Electro
Year 1942: The word robot is used in a story titled Science Fiction by Isaac Asimov Runaround
Year 1948: Robot Couple having a case of human behavioral biology, Elsie and Elmer. This robot is found William Grey Walter
Year 1956: The first robot company founded by George Devol and Joseph Engleberger are patented in the name of Devol
Year 1956: The idea of ​​Artificial Intelligence in cetuskan conference in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, by Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy
Year 1975: Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm, or PUMA created by Victor Scheinman
Year 1981: Kenji Urada, factory workers in Japan, was the first killing of a robot.


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